Saturday, November 14, 2009

How to invest $10,000 right now

By Harry Domash

Posted by Lily Mei

You're not rich. You own a few mutual funds in a 401k or an individual retirement account. And you're ready to take the next step: to buy a few stocks with $10,000 or so sitting in certificates of deposit or languishing in a bank account.

But how do you get started?

Let's begin by admitting this much: All of us, no matter how good we are at stock picking, are going to pick an occasional loser. That's why diversification is important. How many stocks must you own? Opinions vary, but dividing your $10,000 into 10 chunks of $1,000 each is probably sufficient. With many discount brokers charging less than $10 a trade, the commissions won't be significant.

However, different folks have different investment needs. I'll describe three strategies, including links to screens to see today's picks. Feel free to mix and match the stocks turned up by the screens or stick with the strategy that best suits your needs.

I used free online tools to build these three screens. The first two use StockScreen123, arguably the most capable free screening tool available on the Web. The third uses the screener, which I find easier to use but not as capable.

As tools, screens work best if rebalanced every six months. Rebalancing means that after six months, you'd rerun the screen and update the portfolio based on the new screen results.

Click here to read more

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful investment tips! I guess for an average person who is not so finance-savvy, the first strategy works best. - Alma Zhumagulova
